How to choose the right grout

How do I choose a grout color for this tile is the most often query we receive. There are no hard-and-fast rules, but we have developed some recommendations that will assist you in how to choose the right grout for your tiles.

man applying grout to tile - how to choose the right grout

Step 1: Decide on the type of grout

The type of grout you want to use will be determined after you’ve chosen your tiles. Two varieties of grout exist:

1. Unsanded Grout
2. Sanded Grout

shower water knobs

Unsanded grout is typically used for joints 1/8″ and less wide since it contains less sand particles than sanded grout. It works well for grouting ceramic wall tiles because of its smooth texture and ability to adhere to vertical surfaces. Because it resists shrinkage and cracking, sanded grout should be used in flooring and wall tile joints wider than 1/8 inch. Prior to being highly recommended, the Ultracolor Plus Premium Rapid-Setting is less prone to smudge and has exceptional endurance.

Epoxy grouts for mosaic tiles are becoming more popular since they are almost stain proof, making them ideal for showers or kitchen backsplashes. Due to their chemical resilience, epoxy grouts are also common for swimming pools.

Step 2: Decide if you want your grout to contrast or to complement

It’s time to look at the grout color chart, which you can obtain in stores, after deciding on the type of grout you want to use. The two main approaches to choosing grout are to either contrast or enhance the color of the tile. To highlight the shape of the tile or to complement a specific interior design aesthetic, the grout color is contrasted with the tile. The majority of the time, however, grouts are choose to go with the tile to provide a contemporary, seamless finish, like a grey grout to match a grey floor tile.

bathroom shower with blue tiles

Step 3: Deciding on the shade

The grout color chart should be used, and the various samples should be placed against your tile. The grout should be as near as feasible to the tile, although it is always preferable to use a lighter colour of grout than a darker one.

woman matching color for grout on tile

Things to avoid:
Grout Disclosures

The main reason for discoloration, which gives the grout a powdery look, is improper mixing. Since grout is purchased as a powder and mixed with water before being applied, the grout to water ratio must be accurate. If too much water is used to clean up, that can also cause grout to become discolored. Try the Mapei Ultracare Concentrated Tile & Grout Cleaner if you see discolored grout.

discolored grout on tile

Grout Cracking

The likelihood of grout cracking is greatly reduced by using high-quality grout, which has less fillers and more polymer to strengthen. Additionally, even if you use high-quality grout, it is crucial to ensure that you are tiling onto the correct surface because movement beneath the tiles will cause them to crack.

cracked tile grout

Knowing How to Choose The Right Grout – Contact the Professionals

We hope these recommendations have helped you in knowing how to choose the right grout for your tiles. As you can see, there are no clear-cut rules because things such as color uniformity or contrast are personal preference to the home owner. What is most important is that your grout is applied correctly and evenly and done well enough to prevent early cracking.

Sometimes, avoiding the hassle altogether can be a great thing. That’s where the professionals come in. Let Iconic Kitchens and Bath help you in your home kitchen and bath needs. Contact us today at (615)-448-6324

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Our creative team of interior design professionals at Iconic Kitchens & Bathrooms has been transforming spaces and coming up with new ways to recreate your favorite spots.
